On March 4th, the delegates of the European Union and the United States met together for the first time as full delegations to discuss their policy tracks and proposals for the upcoming Youth 7 Summit set to take place later this year in Rome. On the agenda were topics that ranged from innovation to entrepreneurship, from environmental sustainability to diversity and inclusion. These topics are in-line with the Y7 tracks as established by the Young Ambassadors Society (YAS) which is the organization in charge of chairing this year’s Youth 7 in Italy. 

The meeting provided a platform for open and constructive dialogue, allowing the delegates to share their perspectives on various issues. Despite the often perceived differences between the European Union and the United States on matters covered by the summit, the talks were remarkably productive. Both delegations found common ground on most initiatives and proposals, showcasing a shared commitment to addressing the challenges and opportunities facing the youth on a global scale.

As the Youth 7 Summit approaches, the optimism generated by the successful meeting between the EU and US delegations sets a positive tone for the upcoming months. The delegates expressed their confidence in the fruitful meetings to come, between each other but also in engagements with all other member countries. This international collaboration reflects a collective dedication to creating meaningful and impactful policies that address the concerns and aspirations of the global youth community. We wish our Y7 delegates all the best as they continue to have many fruitful meetings over the coming months with all other G7 countries.