On March 23rd, 2024 Young European Leadership hosted a summit in Brussels. This summit had been in the works for many months with Treasurer Federico Soattin and Secretary General Augusto Gonzalez being the leading members responsible for setting up the conference.  

The summit explored the pivotal contribution of young voices in influencing politics, medicine, climate change, and various other domains. Enlightening discussions throughout the event underscored the influential role of youth on the global stage, encompassing obstacles overcome, successes achieved, and profound observations made. Energized and motivated, the resolve to bolster young leaders in catalyzing change has been fortified. Conversations underscored the importance of harnessing youth perspectives to forge a brighter future, nurturing a shared dedication to elevating and guiding together.

Members in Attendance

On the YEL side, several high ranking members from the organization were present. The entirety of the Board of Directors was present. This included President Eloise Ryon, Secretary General Augusto Gonzalez, Treasurer Federico Soattin, Vice President for Strategic Partnerships Christian Neubacher, and Vice President of Communications and Community Building Marko Milutinovic. 

There were several guests and panelists in attendance at the event. Some of these included: 

  1. Lambertus Robben – Founder of the YouTube Channel “EU Made Simple” 
  2. Caterina Ramon Rotger – Former President of JEF Baleares (Spain) and a Parliamentary Assistant at the EU Parliament 
  3. David Timis – Public Affairs Manager at Generation 
  4. Maxim Vandekerkhove – Policy Advisors at the Belgian Federal Ministry of Social Security 
  5. Marianne Chagnon – EU Policy and Coordination Officer for Health and Environment
  6. Milko Penev – Former MP of Bulgaria and MD
  7. Josias Knöppler – Former YEL Treasurer and Former Y7 Delegate 
  8. Andrea Rosso – Former Y20 Delegate for Italy and COP28 Delegate 
  9. Ana Voicila – Former COP28 Delegate 

YEL board members chaired panels with these guests, delving into their past experiences and gathering their perspectives on a wide array of topics including youth engagement, the healthcare system, and climate change. Following each panel, the audience had the opportunity to participate in a Q&A session with the panelists, facilitating direct engagement with experts in their respective fields.

Future Summits 

Building on the success of this summit, Young European Leadership is poised to replicate and expand upon this impactful model in future events. With over 50 members in attendance at this last conference, we are confident in our ability to continue to grow into the future and to empower young voices in shaping critical issues. Inspired by the vibrant discussions and insights shared, YEL aims to continue fostering such exchanges by organizing similar conferences across different European countries. By showcasing the diversity and cultural richness of Europe through these events, YEL seeks to further amplify the voices and perspectives of youth leaders, thereby strengthening their collective capacity to drive positive change on both regional and global scales.