Young European Leadership attended the first annual Power Earth Summit in Paris, France from March 13th to March 15th of this year, made possible by YEL’s sponsor Schneider Electric. These two days were jam packed with meetings, dining, and an appearance by former US President Barack Obama which was interviewed as part of the opening ceremony of the event. 

Our delegation to this summit consisted of ten members from YEL as well as delegates from previous YEL events and represented several of the countries of Europe, with Italy, Spain, Germany, Romania, the United Kingdom, France, Ireland, and Poland being represented. The members in attendance were: 

  1. Federico Soattin – Treasurer (Head Delegate) 
  2. Augusto Gonzalez – Secretary General 
  3. Josias Knöppler – Former Treasurer and Senior Vice President for Strategic Development 
  4. Ana Opre – Director of Delegations 
  5. Maia Davies – Director of Partnerships 
  6. Ciaran Ferrin – Deputy Director of Delegations 
  7. Gregorio Vichi – Deputy Director of Partnerships 
  8. Vincent Tadday – Delegations Officer 
  9. Isabelle Pickett – Delegations Officer 
  10. Martha Kakol – COP28 Delegate 

The event started on March 13th with an opening session which had in its attendance the French Finance Minister and a live interview with former US President Barack Obama where he discussed his previous experience working towards environmental sustainability and the Paris Climate Accords of 2015. The following days, on March 14th and 15th, the YEL delegation attended a series of seminars and met with several companies in the technology sector which displayed their latest advancements in renewable energy and how this could be applied to enhance the energy transition in France and in Europe as a whole. The highlight of the day came when Head Delegate Federico Soattin was interviewed by Gilles Vermot Desroches of Schneider Electric about the circular economy’s use, energy companies’ future, and youth contributions in Europe. If you wish to watch the full interview, you can do so here. Additionally, several delegates had the opportunity to engage in productive discussions with representatives from the Paris Peace Forum, exploring potential collaborations and partnerships slated for later in the year. Lastly, on a more personal level, delegates relished the chance to immerse themselves in the enchanting sights of Paris, indulging in its rich tapestry of art, culture, and history.

In summary, the summit offered our delegates an exceptional platform for networking and active engagement with leaders in the realm of renewable energy and technology. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Schneider Electric for their invaluable partnership, generously providing us with tickets to attend. Additionally, we express our appreciation to all members of YEL whose dedicated efforts brought this event to fruition. Attending this summit has been a source of pride for us, and we are committed to diligently pursuing our involvement in future events of similar significance.