The Youth 20 (Y20) delegates convened in Varanasi, India, from August 17-20 under the theme “One Earth, One Family, One Future” during India’s G20 Presidency. Acknowledging global crises, including climate change, inequalities, and health challenges, the Y20 aimed to advocate for youth inclusion in policy decisions. The Y20 Communiqué, directed towards the G20 Summit, emphasized five key themes: Health, Wellbeing, and Sports; Peace-Building and Reconciliation; Future of Work; Shared Future: Youth in Governance; and Climate Change & Disaster Risk Reduction.

Meet the Delegates

Our delegation to Y20 was made up of a series of young leaders, each specialized in different disciplines, yet all equally dedicated to advancing the cause of the betterment of humanity. Selected from all over Europe, they embody the will of the next generation to fight for a better world which is more peaceful, harmonious, and open to all. With their unwavering commitment to collective action, our representatives stood at the forefront of the world’s issues and tackled its challenges head on. Our delegates for 2023 were: 

  1. Caillum Hedderman (Ireland) – Head Delegate / Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction: Making Sustainability a Way of Life
  2. Aleksandra Sztaborowska (Poland) – Future of Work: Industry 4.0, Innovation and the 21st Century
  3. Luisa Kern (Germany) – Peace Building and Reconciliation: Ushering in an Era of No War
  4. Christos Tsagkaris (Greece) – Health, Wellbeing and Sports: Agenda for Youth
  5. Jonas Nitschke (Germany) – Shared Future: Youth Democracy and Governance

Preparation and Training

In the buildup to Y20, our delegates have undergone an intensive and dynamic training program, strategically crafted to empower them with the knowledge, skills, and visionary insights needed to exert a powerful impact on the global stage. The delegation’s team has gone above and beyond, delivering extensive briefings on the intricate nuances of international climate negotiations, fostering a profound understanding of the current geopolitical landscape surrounding environmental issues. Recognizing the paramount importance of effective communication, our delegates have undergone specialized media training from our communications team. This not only hones their ability to articulate perspectives clearly but also prepares them to engage dynamically with diverse audiences, ranging from fellow delegates to the global media. 

Schneider Electric, YEL’s primary sponsor, presented an outstanding session, equipping our delegates to navigate the complex terrain of the Y20 summit and offering invaluable insights into all things environmental. With this robust preparation, our delegates are now geared up for their journey to Y20, ready to not only make meaningful contributions to the discussions but also to dynamically convey their vision for a sustainable and resilient future to the world.


Y20 2023 Communique

The Y20 Communique cross-cutting initiatives, urging G20 members to support African Union’s G20 membership, ensure Y20 representation in G20 Sherpa & Finance tracks, incorporate climate education, uphold human security and environmental rights, and hold national climate assemblies. The Y20 also called for recognizing internet access as a basic right, promoting youth in governance, preventing sexual and gender-based violence, and addressing food waste and insecurity.

Peacebuilding and Reconciliation

In difficult times such as ours, with the world facing several simultaneous violent threats, the Peacebuilding & Reconciliation track is one of the most important. As such, the Y20 emphasized the role of youth in promoting peace. They proposed measures such as declaring peacebuilding as a process addressing root causes, implementing frameworks for youth leadership, integrating Women, Peace and Security principles, and promoting disarmament. Additionally, they called for equitable collaboration between the Global North and South, addressing geo-economic challenges, reforming international economic institutions, and ensuring a more inclusive UN Security Council. The Y20 also advocated for preventing violence by non-state actors through counter-terrorism efforts, digital resilience, intercultural dialogue, and empowering youth in global harmony initiatives.  

Future of Work

In addressing the future of work, Industry 4.0, innovation, and 21st-century skills, the Youth 20 (Y20) emphasizes the need to adapt to disruptive technologies while concurrently reducing inequality and discrimination in the workforce. The Y20 urges G20 members to prioritize sustainability, accessibility, diversity, and inclusivity, emphasizing human-centric approaches to work. Key proposals include promoting lifelong learning through the principle of unlearn, relearn, and reskill, preparing the global workforce for critical global challenges, integrating mental health policies in the workplace, empowering under-represented communities, and fostering digital literacy. Additionally, the Y20 advocates for cross-border innovation and collaboration, suggesting increased international research collaboration and promoting equitable algorithms for global AI deployment. In the context of the gig economy, the Y20 calls for a universal framework to ensure gig worker rights, encompassing worker protections, migrant accessibility pathways, and consultations. Finally, in catalyzing the startup ecosystem, the Y20 recommends accessible sustainable financing, mentoring, and data protection measures to stimulate youth-run enterprises and entrepreneurship incubators while ensuring privacy and data sovereignty.

Health and Wellbeing

The conference committed to advancing global health and well-being, with a specific focus on vulnerable groups and women, through the promotion of resilient, inclusive, accessible, and culturally sensitive health systems aligned with the goals of Universal Health Coverage (UHC). In urging G20 members to take action, the Y20 proposes key initiatives, including the promotion of digital health solutions through public-private partnerships and community engagement. The Y20 emphasizes the creation of a G20 digital well-being charter to address issues such as limiting inappropriate content for minors and preventing cyberbullying. Additionally, it advocates for national strategies on UHC in mental health, recognition of alternative medicine, and addressing sexual and reproductive health challenges. The prevention of alcohol and substance use is highlighted through the proposal of a G20 Task Force, focusing on awareness, evidence-based prevention programs, and localized rehabilitation centers. Lastly, the Y20 encourages inclusive sports infrastructure, training programs, and investments in safe and accessible public spaces for physical activity, particularly in underserved communities, aligning with a holistic approach to health and well-being.  

Climate Change

The Youth 20 (Y20) outlines comprehensive proposals for climate change and disaster risk reduction, urging G20 members and observers to prioritize sustainability as a way of life. The recommendations cover various aspects, including transitioning to sustainable living, mitigating disaster risks, accelerating the shift to cleaner energy systems, and ensuring climate finance and action targets. Specific measures include establishing a global standard to protect ecologically important ecosystems, phasing out single-use plastics, promoting circular economies, and protecting oceans and forests. The Y20 also emphasizes the importance of adopting national heat adaptation plans, disaster prevention aligned with the Sendai framework, and contemporary forecasting and early warning systems. Additionally, the Y20 calls for commitments to limit the global average temperature increase, ensure energy access for all, and provide fair, circular, and sustainable supply chains for critical minerals. The proposals address climate finance, climate empowerment, and the inclusion of underserved communities, advocating for just transitions, recognition of indigenous rights, and considerations for future generations in climate policies.

Shared Future and Way Forward

The delegates emphasized the importance of youth in governance, recognizing cultural differences in implementing the proposals. The recommendations include ensuring adequate representation and empowerment of marginalized youth, fostering mentorship programs, and addressing structural barriers to political participation. The Y20 advocates for lowering the voting age, introducing civic education, and prioritizing platforms such as youth parliaments to hold governance bodies accountable. Measures to increase youth voter turnout and adopting formal strategies for youth participation are proposed. The Y20 also highlights the role of social media, emphasizing correct usage and policies against misinformation. Additionally, the recommendations stress the right to quality education and the importance of e-governance for effective youth participation.  

Reflection and Dissemination: Post Y20 Summit

As our delegates return home from the impactful discussions at the Y20 Summit in Varanasi, a crucial phase of reflection and dissemination unfolds. This pivotal period allows our representatives to introspect on the insights gained, lessons learned, and connections forged during their time at the summit. The reflective process serves as a catalyst for personal and collective growth, enabling the delegates to distill the essence of their experiences and identify actionable strategies for furthering their advocacy in the realms of climate action, future of work, health and well-being, peacebuilding, and youth involvement in governance. Simultaneously, dissemination becomes a focal point as our delegates share their experiences, key takeaways, and the outcomes of their engagements with a wider audience. Through various platforms, including social media, press releases, and community forums, our delegates continue to contribute to a broader narrative that emphasizes the imperative of youth involvement in critical policy matters. The reflection and dissemination phase amplifies the impact of their participation at the Y20 Summit, fostering an effect that extends far beyond the summit halls and into communities, inspiring collective action for a sustainable and inclusive future.  

Our Mission and Moving Ahead

At Y20, our mission is to empower young representatives to actively contribute to global discussions and shape policies that reflect their perspectives. We are dedicated to fostering meaningful engagement for these youth leaders, providing a platform where their voices are not only heard but also considered in critical policy matters. The Y20 Summit has been a transformative experience for our delegates, equipping them with valuable insights and connections that will fuel their ongoing advocacy efforts. Looking ahead, we are committed to consistently participating in G20 events, ensuring that each successive delegation builds upon the achievements and initiatives undertaken in previous years. From all of us here at YEL, we express our gratitude to our delegates for their dedication and hard work at the summit, and we eagerly anticipate their continued impact as they move forward in their endeavors.