Young European Leadership (YEL) has signed an MoU with Jóvenes Europeos Federalistas de España (JEF Spain). While both organizations have a history of working closely together for some time, this partnership will take the relationship to a new level. The MoU and partnership will benefit both sides mutually, with YEL gaining a large and important partner in Spain which will help with dissemination for Y7, Y20, and COP, as well as can provide important logistics for joint summits which are planned in the future. With this agreement JEF Spain also gains a large, international partner in Europe, which can help spread their message of European cooperation across more countries, allowing them to work closely with YEL’s European network and provide important training for Y7 and Y20 delegates as they embark on their journey to represent Europe.
As one of the EU’s largest and most important member states, Spain is a vital ally for YEL, and one whose support over the last few years in projects such as Y7, Y20, and COP has been indispensable. We look forward to collaborating further with JEF Spain and with all of our European and international partners in the coming year!